רשימת שכבת קודים של אלכימאי (פברואר 2024) – היחידות הטובות ביותר בדירוג

Hello, alchemy code friend! If you are on this page, you are probably looking to discover the best units in the current meta of the game. Right? Well, check out our alchemical code class list and find out!

Alchemy Code is a 3D mobile RPG developed by gumi Inc. and distributed worldwide for free on iOS and Android devices. Although it’s a gacha similar to other games like Revived Witch and Arknights, the game still surprises us with amazing graphics, storyline, and animations. Oh… and hundreds of units.

There are so many different characters in Alchemy Code, each with their unique abilities and strategies. So how do you find out which ones are good and which ones to avoid for your team? We’ve put together a list of the best alchemical code units for use in this current global meta of the game. Enjoy!

Alchemy Code Class List for February 2024

The alchemy code class list is a rating system that determines the strength of a character in relation to other characters in its class. It is created using various factors such as base statistics, maximum statistics, passives, abilities, and overall performance in battle.

These factors are then assigned to different categories, which were weighed based on importance. The final score is then adjusted across all categories to find a final score for each character. This number is then compared against all other characters in their respective class and ranked accordingly.

This list only contains characters that are currently available in the game and does not include future additions or units from the JP version of the game that have not been released in the global version.

As seen from our breakdown below; these rankings are not set in stone and are subject to new content released or new strategies becoming popular in the community.

This class list is intended for players who want to know where certain characters stand in their class, so they can make informed decisions when creating teams for specific situations or events; however, it doesn’t necessarily reflect the performance of each character against each other if they were placed in a similar game scenario. In any case, let’s start with the best units in Alchemy Code:

Alchemy Code – S Tier Units

These are the best characters in Alchemy Code currently available in the game and can be used in all situations. They are capable of taking on several units at once, as well as having high damage output. Their versatility, abilities, and defense are important as it enables them to easily handle any situation that arises.

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Alchemy Code – A Rank Units

The A Rank includes Alchemy Code characters that are very strong but have one or two areas where they are not quite as good as their S counterparts. They may have slightly lower statistical data or weaker skills than S units, but they are still excellent alchemical code units that you can use in your squad!

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Alchemy Code – B Rank Units

While these units are not the best in Alchemy Code, they are still quite good! They don’t really rank at the top with the absolute best (hence being in the B rank), but they still have some solid advantages over other characters in the game, especially over the lower-ranked characters.

Some of them can be particularly useful in specific situations if used correctly and with a lot of support from others. In any case, these guys should be considered if you are looking to build a decent alchemical code team and don’t have all the best units available!

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Alchemy Code – C Rank Units

These alchemy code units are slightly below average, they are decent, but not as good as the higher-tier characters. They have reasonable statistical data but are not as strong as others who were ranked higher!

However, if you are just starting out, chances are you’ll get to play with some of them for a while, and in that case, they will not be particularly bad, especially in the early stages of the game.

Alchemy Code – D Rank Units

Finally, we have the weakest units currently in the meta of Alchemy Code. They are not so good and should be avoided if you want to clear content easily. You should consider playing with these only if you don’t have other units available.

Final Thoughts

Alright people, so there you have it, you’ve reached the end of our Alchemy Code class list. I hope it’s helpful for you, especially if you are a beginner and are not sure which units to aim for.

Of course, no class list is 100% accurate, we all have different playstyles and favorite characters when it comes to games like Alchemist Code, but we do think it’s at least a pretty good representation of the current state of the game’s global version.

Also, we did not focus on units and the Alchemist Code Meta, as it’s not really relevant to players right now.

But when the global version is updated, we will try to update this list with new units and adjust the ranking accordingly.


How did we create this Alchemy Code Class List?

We created this Alchemy Code class list using the same methodology we use when creating any class list for games. We play the game ourselves to experiment with different units and team compositions, then we check what units top players use in meta leaderboards such as seasonal rankings. We also gather additional information and suggestions from places like the official Alchemist Code Discord server, the Alchemist Code subreddit (not the JP version), the Alchemist Code DB and wiki, and more. Finally, we turn all this research into an easy-to-read class list where we rank the units from best to worst based on their overall score.

Who are the best units in Alchemy Code?

The best units in Alchemy Code vary from patch to patch and from the global version to the JP (Japanese) version. But for the current global version of the game, we believe that all the characters we ranked under the S Tier in our Alchemy Code class list are the best in the game right now.

Is this Alchemy Code Class List accurate?

We try to maintain and update all of our class lists on our website, however, since we have hundreds of games to keep an eye on, we may sometimes lag behind with an update or two… Nevertheless, we always strive to keep the lists accurate to the latest correction update. And while we don’t guarantee that this Alchemist Code class list is 100% accurate since everyone has their own preferences when playing an RPG game like this, we hope that it provides a useful guide for those players who are just starting their way.

Do you need to use a class list for Alchemist Code?

Not really. Unlike more competitive eSports-focused games, Alchemist Code is a much more casual RPG game that you can enjoy at your own pace. You can play with any units you have and still enjoy clearing (or most of) the available content. But… it’s also true that in every game, there are a few characters that are just better than others, so if you want a complete no-brainer time while you’re playing the game (especially if you’re starting out), then trying to get the best units in Alchemist Code from the start can be a good strategy.

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Our post Alchemy Code Class List (February 2024) – Best Units in Ranking List appeared first on MetaTierList.

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